2018 April

A journal experiment for the month of April in 2018

I am live-blogging my entire process and thought patterns around work this month. Follow along!

Frequently Asked Questions


- Wed at 07:34 - An update: one thing
- Sat at 01:14 - Closing projects from C to G
- Fri at 14:51 - Hoodies and website edits
- Fri at 12:46 - Learning to say no
- Wed at 08:41 - Issues with streaks
- Thu at 22:13 - Silent Book Club
- Wed at 16:49 - Maintainer Repository Audits and Open Collective
- Wed at 12:16 - Open Source Meetups in Montreal
- Wed at 11:31 - Why am I writing on this site?
- Wed at 11:27 - Planning better social media integration for posts
- Tue at 20:54 - The CBC and daily roundup
- Mon at 20:08 - Web development day
- Mon at 11:38 - The Litt Review
- Mon at 11:32 - April priorities

All content CC-BY-NC © 2018 Richard Littauer.

Web development day

Today, I spent hours fixing up my website. Specifically, I learned how to implement and fix my sticky footer problem; I redesigned and rewrote the contact section; I added In Development and inyoman.com to my projects; I fixed design issues on The Litt Review; and I learned a lot about image optimization and brought the size of my website down from 20mb to just above 2mb, meaning it’ll load a lot faster and won’t clog up people’s phones anymore.

I didn’t get to much more work than that. I posted the December’s Ghost review I wrote this morning, on permission from the author, and I got paid for that job. That means I’m starting the week with some money in the bank, although at this rate I’ll only make $7500 this month, which isn’t enough. I’ll need to do better.

I also found out that I could build a 6x6x6 foot cage out of 2-by-4s and mesh for around $150, and what I estimate would be four hours. I’m not going to let you know what this is for unless you ask. It’s not a project for this month; hopefully in a few months when I have a more settled location. If I built it now, I would just have to take it down again.

There’s more work to do on my website. I need to make it clearer that I’m available for hire, and the kind of work Burnt Fen Creative does best. However, I can get to that another day. Today I wanted to close the job I had, and I decided while I was at it I would close open issues on the website. In the future, I’ll have to be more wary of feature creep like that.

It’s now 8:00. I’m tired, but not exhausted. My foot is killing me, and I want to spend some time researching how to make it feel better, perhaps to ice it. And I need dinner.

Tomorrow - Maintainer audits.

Beam me home, Scotty!