2018 April

A journal experiment for the month of April in 2018

I am live-blogging my entire process and thought patterns around work this month. Follow along!

Frequently Asked Questions


- Wed at 07:34 - An update: one thing
- Sat at 01:14 - Closing projects from C to G
- Fri at 14:51 - Hoodies and website edits
- Fri at 12:46 - Learning to say no
- Wed at 08:41 - Issues with streaks
- Thu at 22:13 - Silent Book Club
- Wed at 16:49 - Maintainer Repository Audits and Open Collective
- Wed at 12:16 - Open Source Meetups in Montreal
- Wed at 11:31 - Why am I writing on this site?
- Wed at 11:27 - Planning better social media integration for posts
- Tue at 20:54 - The CBC and daily roundup
- Mon at 20:08 - Web development day
- Mon at 11:38 - The Litt Review
- Mon at 11:32 - April priorities

All content CC-BY-NC © 2018 Richard Littauer.

Maintainer Repository Audits and Open Collective

Maintainer Mountaineer offers repository audits. These are manually done; I go through a checklist and see if I can make sense of the repository, if there are any issues in the README, or package manifests, or Contribute files, and so on. They generally take around 45 minutes, but often take longer as I get distracted and spend time fiddling with things. I bill them through Maintainer at $75 each.

Today, I did my first one that I’ve done in a while, for octobox, which I was scheduled to do since @teabass asked me to do some for him a couple of weeks ago.

You can see what a finished audit looks like, here. If you’re interested in getting one, do get in touch!

I spent some time working on my process, and logging some issues in an internal repository I use to keep track of the shell scripts and templates I use to make this work fast. These are the kind of issues I opened:

5: [audit] Add a way to automatically post gist
4: [audit] Generate js fields with flag or omit them
3: [audit] Have audit copy name and gh-description into template
2: [audit] automatically point out all spellchecked words

I also opened a PR for git-extras to add documentation around the --org option for git fork, which is a handy way to fork a repository from your CLI.

I have a few more of these coming, too.

For billing, instead of billing by email, I used Open Collective. I have a profile for Maintainer there, but wasn’t able to figure out how to invoice from a collective to another collective - we’ll figure that out later. For now, I’ve submitted an invoice manually by PDF through OpenCollective, and it’s already been approved.

Good work, team!

Beam me home, Scotty!