2018 April

A journal experiment for the month of April in 2018

I am live-blogging my entire process and thought patterns around work this month. Follow along!

Frequently Asked Questions


- Wed at 07:34 - An update: one thing
- Sat at 01:14 - Closing projects from C to G
- Fri at 14:51 - Hoodies and website edits
- Fri at 12:46 - Learning to say no
- Wed at 08:41 - Issues with streaks
- Thu at 22:13 - Silent Book Club
- Wed at 16:49 - Maintainer Repository Audits and Open Collective
- Wed at 12:16 - Open Source Meetups in Montreal
- Wed at 11:31 - Why am I writing on this site?
- Wed at 11:27 - Planning better social media integration for posts
- Tue at 20:54 - The CBC and daily roundup
- Mon at 20:08 - Web development day
- Mon at 11:38 - The Litt Review
- Mon at 11:32 - April priorities

All content CC-BY-NC © 2018 Richard Littauer.

Open Source Meetups in Montreal

The meetup scene in Montréal is pretty strong, compared to what I noticed in Boston. People tend to start meetups easier, and actually attend them. I’ve been involved with more than a few, and attend JSMontreal, Drawn and Quarterly’s graphic novel book club, and Coffee and Code whenever I can.

Tonight, I’m helping host the Decentralized Web Meetup, where we’ll discuss sustainable ways to fund open source projects, focusing on things like Patreon, Open Collective, and OSCoin. I’m looking forward to it. It’s less of a talk and more of a discussion, which is something I want; I’m tired of going to a meetup for an hour and hearing one person speak on something I’m only tangentially interested in.

And on Monday, I’m hosting the first Open Source Montreal meetup, where I’ll talk about Maintainer’s open source repos on GitHub - probably on Build A Space or the Dashboard - and then we’ll have lightning talks from participants about their projects. I wanted a langauge-agnostic meetup for people to just talk about open source, and now, thanks to my friend Ruy kicking me in the ass and helping set it up, we have one. This comes out of the Open Source Cities org on GitHub I’ve set up, to track open source in various cities around the world. The Montréal repo has the highest activity, so it makes sense to start here.

This is also my swan song for Montréal. I’m heading out on the 17th, and am unlikely to be back for another meetup in May before I fly out to Dublin. I hope that what I start here continues; we’ll have to see.

Come along, if you can make it.

Beam me home, Scotty!